Resep Cheesy-steamed potato (menu MPAsi 9m) Enak, Sederhana, dan Bikin Nagih

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Cheesy-steamed potato (menu MPAsi 9m). Ever feel like your weekly menu is stuck in a rut? These family tested and approved recipes will shake up your kitchen and be a hit at your dinner table. My favorite recipe for cheesy potatoes (aka funeral potatoes or cheesy potato casserole).

Cheesy-steamed potato (menu MPAsi 9m) Kawan-kawan dapat membuat Cheesy-steamed potato (menu MPAsi 9m) hanya dengan menggunakan 10 bahan dan 6 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk memasaknya, bikin Cheesy-steamed potato (menu MPAsi 9m) yuk!

Bahan Cheesy-steamed potato (menu MPAsi 9m)

  1. 2 buah of kentang besar kupas kukus.
  2. 1 butir of telur ayam kampung.
  3. Secukupnya of keju (1/4 batang keju cheedar cukup).
  4. 30 ml of santan (pake susu lbh creamy. Saya pake seadanya didapur).
  5. of Margarin untuk olesan tray foil.
  6. 1 sdt of Canola oil.
  7. 2 sdt of maizena.
  8. 1 siung of Bawang putih.
  9. 1 jumput of seledri/ bubuk parsley optional.
  10. optional of Garam.

This Instant Pot Cheesy Scalloped Potatoes recipe will work in any brand of electric pressure cooker, including the Instant Pot, Ninja Foodi, or Mealthy MultiPot. I love cooking potatoes in the pressure cooker! Looking for a homemade cheesy potatoes recipe that doesn't call for a can of condensed soup? Now I look forward to the cheesy potatoes.

Cara membuat Cheesy-steamed potato (menu MPAsi 9m)

  1. Tumbuk halus kentang kukus td..
  2. Masukan semua bahan (telur,santan,maizena,canola oil, maizena, seledri,baput) kecuali keju n margarin. Aduk sampai rata. Cek rasa. Kalau perlu garam boleh ditambahi sedikit saja..
  3. Siapkan tray foil. Olesi mentega..
  4. Masukan 1 sendok adonan kentang. Lalu taburi keju atasnya. Layer berikutnya adonan kentang lagi. Lalu taburi keju lagi atasnya. Lakukan sampai adonan abis di tray lainnya..
  5. Kukus kurang lebih 20 mnt..
  6. Tunggu agak dingin. Dan Walaa mamam si kecil siap disajikan dg cinta. 💕.

I still enjoy dying eggs with my daughters and seeing them try to find them and their baskets (we hide those too). Cheesy Mashed Potatoes are creamy and delicious and very decadent. First steamed in the Instant Pot and then baked in the oven. Steaming potatoes for making Mashed Potatoes are the only way to go. Boiling Potatoes in water, gives them a mealy texture.

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