Cara Memasak MPASI 9 bulan + Baked Potato with Chicken & Broccoli Enak dan Mudah Dibuat

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

MPASI 9 bulan + Baked Potato with Chicken & Broccoli. Karena sudah mulai numbuh gigi jadi menunya mulai naik tekstur. Serve the baked chicken and potatoes with vegetables or with a salad to make it a complete meal. I made this recipe with chicken thighs, you can replace them with chicken breasts I'd gladly eat this baked chicken and potatoes for dinner every day of the week - it's so delicious, quick and easy!

MPASI 9 bulan + Baked Potato with Chicken & Broccoli Teman-teman dapat membuat MPASI 9 bulan + Baked Potato with Chicken & Broccoli hanya dengan menggunakan 10 bahan dan 8 langkah saja. Berikut ini bahan dan cara untuk membuatnya, yuk kita coba resep MPASI 9 bulan + Baked Potato with Chicken & Broccoli!

Bahan MPASI 9 bulan + Baked Potato with Chicken & Broccoli

  1. 2 of kentang, kupas, kukus.
  2. 1 of telur ayam, kocok lepas.
  3. 75 gr of daging ayam giling.
  4. 40 gr of brokoli, cincang.
  5. 2 siung of bawang putih, parut.
  6. 200 ml of susu UHT full cream.
  7. 10 gr of keju parut.
  8. 1 1/2 sdt of butter.
  9. of Parsley kering.
  10. of Oregano.

Garlic makes the chicken and potatoes very. Fry bacon and set aside to drain. Once potatoes are done, spread the chicken on top. Crumble the bacon, grate the cheese, and chop the green onions.

Langkah-langkah memasak MPASI 9 bulan + Baked Potato with Chicken & Broccoli

  1. Lembutkan kentang sampai halus menggunakan saringan kawat.
  2. Campurkan kentang dengan telur, lalu sisihkan.
  3. Tumis bawang dengan butter sampai harum.
  4. Masukkan daging, masak sampai berubah warna smua bagiannya.
  5. Masukkan susu, masak dengan api kecil sampai mendidih, lalu masukkan keju serta oregano & pasrley secukupnya.
  6. Angkat dari kompor, lalu campurkan dengan adonan kentang, aduk rata.
  7. Masukkan ke wadah tahan panas, kukus selama 30 menit.
  8. Sajikan dengan penuh cinta ❤.

Chicken Potato Bake - Chicken thighs cooked in a creamy sauce topped with peas & scalloped potatoes. To make this delicious and creamy chicken bake you first start by preparing the chicken and cream sauce. You can then assembly the bake by topping with thinly sliced potatoes. Pop chicken thighs and potatoes in one pot and roast with olives, lemon, garlic and bay leaves for a lazy weekend lunch or dinner. How to make chicken potato curry milk buns from scratch.

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